Operational State Limit Querétaro-San Luis Potosí vehicle checks


Elements of the Municipal Police of Arroyo Seco, in coordination with the State Police (PoEs) and the Metropolitan Police of the state of San Luis Potosí, carry out the operation “Limite Estatal Querétaro-San Luis Potosí.

The main objective of the operation is to prevent criminal acts, as well as administrative misconduct, and to ensure compliance with the current Traffic Regulations of the state of Querétaro.

In this sense, the police officers explained to the correspondent of this Editorial House, that these operations are being carried out at different times and days of the week, in addition, to randomly with the presence of the Metropolitan State Police of San Luis Potosí.

One of the inspection filters is implemented at kilometer 52 + 100 of federal highway 69, Jalpan-Río Verde, precisely at the height of the El Refugio cruise, where they have been checking all types of vehicles that enter Queretaro territory, to discard that transport some type of drugs, weapons or explosives, however, they made it clear that so far no outstanding facts have been presented, only some offenders for not wearing a seat belt, driving their vehicles with tinted windows or lack of a license to lead.

Arroyo Seco Municipal Police in coordination with PoEs and the Metropolitan Police of the State of San Luis Potosí carry out the operation.

One of the inspection filters is implemented at kilometer 52 + 100 of federal highway 69, Jalpan-Río Verde, at the height of the Refugio crossing, in Arroyo Seco.

The police elements check all types of vehicles that enter Queretaro territory, to prevent the passage of any type of drugs, weapons, or explosives.

Source: noticiasdequeretaro.com.mx

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