The Nayarit Prosecutor’s Office warned about a new modus operandi of cyber extortion through fake news.


Through a statement, the agency of that state explained that several businessmen have been affected by this new form of extortion, where according to the complaints that have already been filed, they have been carried out through unofficial dissemination networks and portals, through which the victims are spied on and blackmailed.

According to the testimony of an affected Nayarit businessman, they send them emails asking for a large amount of money in exchange for not publishing photo montages and slander.

The Nayarit Prosecutor’s Office added that in this state a previous investigation was initiated, related to reports related to sites such as “Roberti News” that operate under the pseudonym of “Jho Roberti”, and from which various extortions and false notes have been linked, on public security and drug trafficking, to generate high audience on their platforms, which are fed by ghost accounts or “bots”.

The Nayarit authority carries out specific investigations against this vlog and has integrated a file, to have the elements with which to criminally sanction those responsible.

According to the National Public Security System, in 2022 there were 1200 cybercrimes. Mexico is the ninth country in the world affected by cybercrime and the numbers could be higher if the black figure or unreported crimes is estimated.

What are the steps to identify fake news?

Check data: Currently, there are a large number of websites where you can verify information that is arriving on the internet, especially if it is through social networks, as it is in the places where this practice proliferates.

  • Verify the site of the news: This can be done easily through the “About Us” or “About …” section that is found on the news sites, as there should be important information about the company. Sites that are made for the purpose of spreading false news usually do not have it or it is incomplete.
  • Analyze the links: If the links that are indicated as a source do not work or redirect to pages that are not related to what is referred, the article is already suspicious and should not be shared. Also distrust sites with links similar to those of trusted sources.
  • Contrast the note on known sites: You can access news websites, such as the case of MILENIO to make sure that the information obtained is true, as well as official sites.
  • Check the image: On many occasions’ photographs are taken out of context to generate greater impact. Google has a tool in which you can search for the official sources, showing where the images come from. With this, you will be able to know if it was taken out of context or not.

Source: Milenio