Economic growth, infrastructure, and employment highlights San Luis Potosi Governor


From Ciudad Valles, the governor presented his results to more than 12,000 attendees, highlighting unprecedented figures for the state.

In a historic event, for the first time, the government report of the state of San Luis Potosí was delivered from Huasteca Potosí, in a crowded esplanade at the Tecnológico Nacional de México, Ciudad Valles campus, Ricardo Gallardo Cardona framed the achievements that have catapulted to the entity as a national benchmark in social development, economy, and infrastructure.

At the beginning of the recount of the results obtained during this second year, he stressed that it was possible to provide support to 200 thousand of Potosino residents to escape poverty, in addition to the competitiveness that today characterizes San Luis Potosí and derived from this, in 12 months a foreign investment of 4 billion US dollars.

The dynamic event that brought together more than 12 thousand attendees from the four regions of the state, broke all customary protocol, the president gave an account of the works that have marked the new era of the Potosí territory, with a significant rebound in actions for the benefit of the people of Potosí in terms of infrastructure, health, social programs, education, sports and security.

In the midst of a festive atmosphere, the head of the Executive celebrated the work that has been done in each region, in each municipality, and in places where development did not reach before, he specified that today more than 1 million Potosinos access the programs offered the state government from food scholarships, free transportation to students, free consultations, among others, added to the fact that there were more than 230 avenues, roads and paved streets and today more than ever, the state has committed to children and youth with the construction of 100 schools throughout the Potosí territory in this second year, Gallardo Cardona called on citizens to strengthen this agreement between society and government and continue transforming the state.

Before the attendees he presented results from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), which demonstrate that the entity strengthened its economy in a way that had not been seen in the last 13 years; It increased its exports and 39 thousand formal and informal jobs were created, among other indicators that are the result of an efficient, equitable and visionary government.

Finally, the governor said that one of the achievements in this period in terms of security was the creation of the Roads Division of the State Civil Guard, which today patrols every highway in the state. However, most citizens think that insecurity in the state of San Luis Potosi is on the rise.

Source: El Universal

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