Kentucky family died in a traffic accident while traveling in Mexico


Eight members of a Frankfort, Kentucky family died in a traffic accident over the weekend while traveling in Mexico, according to a news release published on the Frankfort Police Department’s Facebook Page.

The collision occurred in the early hours of Sunday, when a vehicle collided with an overturned trailer in the city of Matehuala, located in the state of San Luis Potosí, in central Mexico, local media reported.

The eight people who died resided in the city of Frankfort, which is approximately 46 miles northwest of Indianapolis.

“The tragedy includes the loss of two students in our school system. Jocelyn Mejia Garcia attended Suncrest Elementary, and Jesus Mejia Garcia attended Frankfort High School,” states the joint news release from Police Chief Scott Shoemaker and Frankfort Schools Superintendent Matt Rhoda.

The student’s father, Guadalupe Garcia, and their relatives, Fernando Garcia and Jesus Angeles, also died in the crash, the news release states.

Maria Cuevas, Blanca Guzman, and her 1-month baby, Gabriel, also died in the crash.

“Our hearts ache for the family here in the city of Frankfort,” the news release states.

Grief counselors were available Monday to support Jocelyn and Jesus’ friends, classmates, and teachers, the news release states.

Source: Journal & Courier

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