Menudo: the best remedy for a hangover in San Luis Potosí, Mexico


People in San Luis Potosí say that there is no better remedy to “cure” a hangover after an excessive alcohol intake than a good old Mexican Menudo, and there is more than one Menudo place to visit on Sundays, to businesses specializing in Menudo, especially the municipal markets.

In the San Luis República market, there is an area of ​​”Menuderías” where nothing but Menudo is served, and most people recommend going with Doña Lidia. Also at the Miguel Hidalgo market, the most recommended is the one prepared in the San Francisco dining room -on the ground floor of that supply center- which is for many Potosinos, simply the best Menudo in town.

However, other markets are not far behind, such as De la Merced, where the Menudo is also very tasty.

“El Despertar del Crudo”, a small shop that has existed for many years in San Luis is for many, the undisputed best Menuderia in the state capital.

Other ‘specialized’ places are La Troje and the famous street food shop Mascorro, where it is possible to taste one of the most famous Menudos in all of Mexico.

In all these places, the price of the plate fluctuates between 85 and 95 pesos, depending on its size.

A well-prepared Menudo has oregano, onion, lemon, and chile de Arbol, in addition, handmade tortillas are basic to go along with a good bowl of Menudo.

Source: OEM

San Luis Potosi Post