San Luis Potosí and Tlaxcala join the initiative to regularize illegally imported cars


The head of the Secretariat for Citizen Security and Protection (SSPC), Rosa Icela Rodríguez, reported that a total of one million 415 thousand vehicles of foreign origin, also known as “autos chocolate“, have been regularized at the moment.

According to the official, the above is due to the program implemented by the Federal Government, which has collected 3 thousand 538 million pesos, which have been used to rehabilitate avenues and streets in various states of the country.

In this context, Rosa Icela Rodríguez also explained that the program will end next June and that a total of 152 citizen service modules are currently installed in the states of the republic where the program applies. 

The person in charge of national security also reported that in this final stretch of the program, two more states are joining the initiative, in this case, San Luis Potosí and Tlaxcala. 

He also pointed out that Baja California, Tamaulipas, and Chihuahua are the three entities where the largest number of procedures are concentrated out of a total of 16 states that are part of this regularization process.

Source: Excelsior

Tlaxcala Post