Serious labor and academic crisis at the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí


The university community of the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) faces a severe labor and academic crisis after the implementation of salary cuts, massive layoffs and adverse working conditions for teaching and administrative staff.

According to information shared by professors and former collaborators, several teachers who had been working at the institution for up to 20 years were fired or resigned after the elimination of a December bonus that used to cover economic needs during the period without academic activity, as well as a drastic reduction in hourly pay from 200 to 135 pesos.

“This is unfair, they took away acquired rights from us, such as the bonus and tutoring; they notified us in December that we were going for our last check, and most likely those resources have been spent on something else,” denounced one of the affected professors, who also pointed out that essential services such as the repair of computer equipment and projectors have been eliminated.

The situation is even more critical for full-time workers, who have reported salary reductions of up to 40% and have been forced to resign from open-ended contracts, leaving their job stability uncertain.

The impact on students is evident; many did not have classes on the first day of activities, and it has been pointed out that several courses will be closed due to a lack of teaching staff, which will prolong the duration of the courses.

In addition, students complain that they continue to pay high tuition fees, around 6,000 pesos, for a semester in which they will take only one or two courses and laboratories with equipment in poor condition or without licenses.

“Are we going to accept that they charge us for a full semester for laboratories that do not work or courses lasting 10 to 12 semesters due to a lack of teachers?” questioned a teacher on social media, who also denounced attacks and defamation after demanding respect for labor rights.

The university administration, headed by the rector, who previously held the position of Secretary of Labor, has been accused of implementing these measures, which have been described by those affected as a violation of labor rights and the right to education.

The student and teaching community is considering legal action to demand the guarantee of their rights.

So far, the UPSLP has not issued an official statement on the accusations.

Source: pulsoslp