A documentary about the Art, Cheese, and Wine Route of Querétaro will compete in the International Wine Film Festival


The Documentary “Art, Cheese and Wine Route”, made by students and representatives of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ), with the support of the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Querétaro, will participate in one of the film events related to the industry most important wines worldwide: the  International Wine Film Festival which will take place in the spring of 2021, in California, United States.

The documentary was recorded and produced during 2019 in various Queretaro vineyards and cheese factories with the aim of showing on screen the richness and cultural and gastronomic diversity contained in this route, which as a state tourism project is home to just over 30 vineyards, 11 artisan cheese factories, 4 Magical Towns and tourist services and attractions of 11 of the 18 municipalities of the entity.

Places such as Rancho la Hondonada, Rancho San Josemaría, Vinícola La Terquedad, Finca Sala Vivé de Freixenet, Viñedos La Redonda, Viñedo San Juanito, and Vinícola Donato are part of the documentary of the Art, Cheese and Wine Route, which also highlights the development Wine tourism in areas such as Bernal, Tequisquiapan, Huimilpan, Ezequiel Montes and Cadereyta.

The  International Wine Film Festival could be held – depending on the health situation – during the spring of this year, with the venue and date to be confirmed.

The festival is dedicated to the oenological theme and the realization of tastings and pairings during the screenings are a fundamental part of the event. As in any other festival, the best films, short films, and web videos with themes related to wine made in all corners of the world are awarded.

In terms of tourism, the Art, Cheese, and Wine Route, or Querétaro Wine Region, represents the second most important tourist product for the entity, with the arrival of practically one million tourists staying in hotels in the region, and the generation of four billion pesos as an economic income each year (in a pre-pandemic moment).

The documentary was directed by Rodrigo Mendoza; the photograph was taken by Rafael Denis and Luis Corona; the sound was in charge of Lisset Bohe, and it has the narration of Luis Alberto Fernández García.

The production was attended by the Secretariat of Tourism of the state of Querétaro and various instances of the Autonomous University of Querétaro.

To see the documentary “Art, Cheese and Wine Route”

Querétaro, Ruta del Arte, Queso y Vino from Cinematografía UAQ on Vimeo.

The Queretaro Post