CJNG territories, the most dangerous for citizens and lethal for the armed forces


According to data from the Secretariat of National Defense, Tamaulipas is the state with the highest number of soldiers killed by firearm assault; since 2006 there are already 104.

The regions of Mexico where the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel is present are not only the most dangerous for citizens but also the most lethal for members of the armed forces. 

According to the Secretary of National Defense (obtained from a request for transparency) Tamaulipas is the state with the highest number of soldiers killed by firearm assault.

The information from the Sedena details that since 2006 104 soldiers have died in that state, which is dominated by the CJNG and that maintains a territorial dispute with the Gulf and Northeast cartels.

The so-called Jalisco Cartel also has a presence in another of the regions in which the Mexican Army has had the most casualties: Guerrero, a state in which 39 soldiers have fallen. 

CJNG avanza en 22 estados - ZETA

A map of the 19 criminal organizations with the greatest impact in the country prepared by the Financial Intelligence Unit, of the Ministry of Finance, indicates that this same organized crime organization operates in Sinaloa, another region of alert for the armed forces since For assault with a firearm and executions, 30 soldiers have died. 

These fatality statistics for the Army and Air Force also coincide with the map of the Accumulated Rate of Painful Homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, published by the Inegi with data from December 2018 to August 2020. 

In that registry, Guerrero appears mostly painted orange, which means that it has a high murder rate: between 55 and 92 homicides per thousand inhabitants. But it even has a red spot, Acapulco, where the qualifier is extreme since there are registered from 92 to 230 homicides per thousand inhabitants. 

In the Sedena list, the next state with the highest number of military casualties due to assault is Michoacán, where 28 elements have died.

A large part of that state is dominated by the Jalisco Cartel, but the Gulf and La Familia Michoacana also have a presence.

The highest number of downed sailors is also counted in that entity: seven, according to a document provided by the Secretary of the Navy itself, through its Transparency Unit. 

That record covers from 2018 to July 2020 and it is specified that the casualties of the sailors in Michoacán were six in 2019 and one in 2020. 

The state that gives its name to the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel registers in the statistics of Sedena a total of 19 dead soldiers. Unlike the previous cases, Jalisco appears on the homicide rate map with the qualifier low (between 16 and 31 homicides per thousand inhabitants) or even scarce (between 1 and 16). 

However, in the central region, which includes the capital Guadalajara and its metropolitan area, the rate is high and medium.  

The only state that stands out for the number of casualties in the Army and in which the Jalisco Cartel does not have a presence is Nuevo León, which is under the influence of Los Zetas and those of the Gulf and the Northeast. 

In this state, the number of soldiers who have fallen due to assault with a firearm is 21; Most of them in the Monterrey area, which is precisely where the most intentional homicides are also recorded throughout Nuevo León. Its level is medium, that is, between 31 and 55 murders per thousand inhabitants. 

In this homicide rate map, the state with the largest extreme level zone is Chihuahua, since the entire southwestern part of its territory registers between 91 and 230 murders. The municipalities of Cuauhtémoc, Guerrero, Guachochi, Guadalupe Calvo, Balleza, and Urique, among others, are sources of an alert on this map. 

And they are also so for the armed forces since the Sedena has the statistics of 14 assassinated elements. The coincidence with the map of organized crime is that half of the territory of Chihuahua (precisely the southern part of the state) is an area of ​​operation for the Jalisco Cartel. 

A peculiar phenomenon is that Guanajuato, the second state with the region with the highest extreme homicide rate, only registers one soldier killed by a firearm. It is the same case of Baja California, where Ensenada, Tijuana, and Tecate have extreme levels in that rate of intentional homicides, but they are not a problem in the attacks for the Army: only three deaths.

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Source: milenio.com

Mexico Daily Post